Hello-- Welcome to my site!  This page was designed to help us better understand what our planet is really like by showing what exactly it is made of.  I hope you find it helpful!

The Earth...
Ok-- so what's the big deal?  It's a BIG round circle with little tiny humans and animals crawling around on top.  Not very complex, you say?  Well-- what we never see is what is INSIDE... let's take a look.

Now, if we look inside, we can see 4 distinct layers:
the CRUST(the green layer), the MANTLE (the yellow layer), the OUTER CORE (the brown layer), and the INNER CORE (the red layer).

(Just click on one of the layers to learn more about it!!)

But you ask, "Why do we need to know what our planet is made of?"  Well, if we know what our planet is made of, we can...

wLearn why NATURAL DISASTERS occur
wUnderstand what OTHER planets are made of
wBetter understand Geography andGeology
wAppreciate our PLANET even more
wAnswer someone when they ask, "What are the layers of the Earth's interior?"
('cuz you always get that question a lot ya' know...)

Now here are some Great links and resources!!!
Just click here...


This page was created by Brooks Benjamin =)